Gary Houston Electric Company

Do you have electrical safety questions? We can help!

Keeping your family safe is always of the utmost importance, and it starts at home. That means staying on top of necessary repairs, ensuring that you keep batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, and replacing your fire extinguisher once it reaches its expiration date. And you can’t afford to forget about electrical safety!

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Our lighting design experts are ready to help you with home upgrades!

Most of us have plenty of ideas for home improvement projects, but it can be very challenging to decide where to begin! Fortunately, there are plenty of easy and budget-friendly upgrades you can make that only take a few days to complete; sometimes, all it takes to breathe new life into a tired room is a few cans of paint, some new window treatments, and some inexpensive rugs and slipcovers. Our team of professional lighting designers at Gary Houston Electric is also ready to help you complete your room upgrades with a great new lighting package.

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