ghec blog

Running a small business offers plenty of challenges and rewards, and doing it correctly means focusing on all the right details. If you’re fortunate enough to keep your doors open for more than five years, you’re already more successful than nearly half of all businesses. But you can’t afford to ever take your customers’ loyalty for granted because your competitors are always ready to take your market share when you get complacent! Making a few renovations is a great way to breathe some new life into a well-established company, and some businesses even undergo a complete rebranding to better reflect an updated mission.

Gary Houston Electric has been the most trusted commercial electrician in Little Rock for over four decades, and we’re always a phone call away when you have any lighting design questions. We’re also happy to schedule an onsite energy efficiency audit to help you lower your utility costs or give you an estimate for a KOHLER emergency generator so your business can operate uninterrupted no matter what Mother Nature has in store for us! Here are a few things to keep in mind as you plan and prepare for remodeling and upgrades:

Upgrade your storefront-The right lighting and sign package is a powerful call to action that encourages prospective customers to pull into your parking lot. Additionally, a well-lit parking lot discourages theft and vandalism, and it’s a great investment in your business’ physical security.

Set the right mood-Harsh overhead lighting is fine for big box retailers, but soft, indirect lighting always makes a boutique business feel cozier. Dimmable LEDs are a flexible way to fill your retail space with as much or as little light as you need, and they’re far more energy-efficient than other types of lighting.

Create eye-catching displays for premium products and services-Retailers understand the importance of placing their most profitable products on endcaps or freestanding displays, but it doesn’t stop there! Customers happily pay higher prices any time they see a display case full of awards in a company’s lobby, and sales representatives are always much more effective when their presentations are accompanied by store displays and other visual aids!

If you have any questions or need an electrician, contact us online or at 501-375-8330.

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