ghec blog

Hot summers bring an onslaught of recommendations on ways to reduce your electric bill. But a lot of these tips are expensive, labor intensive or just don’t have any real world practical applications. Here is the real deal from the best electrical contractors in Arkansas on a strategy to save your money this summer.

Set up a fan by the door or hallway where your house stays cooler and move some of that air into another area of your home. A few fans cost a lot less than running the air conditioning all day. And remember to run any ceiling fans in the correct direction: counter clockwise for summer months.

Rooms adjacent to exterior walls facing south and west are usually hot spots. Keep a lot of heat out with some heavy duty drapes. Hang drapes close to the ceiling or use a cornice and let them hang as low as you can stand for maximum efficiency.

Damper the vents in rarely used rooms and keep their doors shut to keep cool air in areas you use frequently. Bump the thermostat up a little before you leave the house. Although it may technically cost less to not run the AC at all during the day, it can be extremely uncomfortable cooling it back down when you return. And that defeats the point of having A/C in the first place.

If your lights dim when the AC comes on, call an electrical contractor first. Don’t waste a service call fee on an HVAC technician until you know your home’s electrical panel and circuitry are operating at capacity so that your A/C unit can work efficiently.

If you’re interested in installing a programmable thermostat or have any concerns about underlying issues sabotaging your money saving efforts, don’t just call any electrician in Little Rock. Call Gary Houston Electric at (501) 375-8330 or contact us on our website. We’ll help keep you cool this summer.

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