ghec blog


Gary Houston Electric Company was voted this year in the Top 5 in the “Electrician” category, by the readers of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

Voting for Best Electrician in Central Arkansas will begin on Friday, August 18th.


As a business owner, it’s important to partner with a commercial electrical company that you can trust with both the big jobs and the small jobs. But with so many quality commercial electric contractors to choose from, how do you make an informed decision?

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Keep Your Home or Business Going With a Kohler Generator!

All Arkansans know that during the spring, a beautiful sunny day can suddenly turn into a raging flash flood, and in some cases, much worse. Fortunately, most of us have enough experience with severe weather to take the appropriate safety precautions to protect our families when disaster strikes. But are you sure that you’re doing enough?

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Let GHEC help you with your home electrical problems!

Few things are more frustrating for homeowners than electrical problems. Once they start, it can feel like there’s no end in sight when it comes to problems and complications. Even homeowners who are handy do-it-yourselfers can find themselves in over their heads with one wrong turn of a screwdriver. Whatever the situation, when it comes to electrical repair done right, a certified electrician is the only way to go.

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Start Your Business with Bright Ideas and Bright Lights with Help from Experienced Electricians

Did you know that an office lighting upgrade can increase profitability? It’s true. In addition to serving the most obvious purpose of helping your employees and clients see where they’re going and what they’re looking at, quality lighting design can also have an immediate impact on your bottom line.

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There are few things more inconvenient than power outages, but in some cases, the stakes are even higher. Imagine what would happen if a hospital or police department lost power, or if your favorite grandparent couldn’t run his or her life-saving medical equipment. That’s why Kohler has been keeping its customers out of the dark since 1920.

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When you’re looking for quality commercial electrical services, you don’t want to leave your job in the hands of just anyone, and you owe it to yourself to make an informed decision.

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Most people would agree that one of our greatest scientific innovations was developing the technology to deliver electricity to our homes. We often take it for granted (unless the power’s out), but the truth is it’s actually a pretty big part of our lives, What would life be like if we couldn’t flip a switch and turn on our lights, or recharge our laptops?

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Some homeowners are DIY types, and take a lot of pride in performing basic household electrical repairs on their own. But if you’re not quite as handy, don’t worry! Our team at Gary Houston Electric Company has been providing premium residential electrical services to homeowners in Little Rock since 1978, and we’re ready to go to work for you. Here are a few reasons why you should choose GHEC for your next electrical job:

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In central Arkansas, you have many residential electricians to choose from, and the choices may seem a little overwhelming. How can you be sure that you’re making an informed decision?

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