ghec blog

Electricity has only been widely available for a little over a century, but it’s truly amazing how much that we’ve come to depend on it for our safety, comfort, and recreation. It’s equally amazing how inconvenient that most of us find it when the power goes out, even if only for a couple of hours. And for some people, a power outage is a great deal more serious, particularly if they need to operate life-saving medical equipment.

The good news is that Kohler generators are here to make sure that we never have to struggle in darkness again! With a Kohler generator in your home, you’ll have power restored in seconds after an outage. Gary Houston Electric is proud to be Arkansas’ top Kohler dealer, and we’re ready to show you that convenience and peace of mind are a lot more affordable than you think! Here are just few of the benefits that come from owning a Kohler generator:

Instant power restoration-As soon as an outage starts, your Kohler generator will start up, and you and your family will have power right away. If you’re in the middle of the extreme weather so familiar to Arkansans, you’ll be able to continue to monitor the weather reports while you ride out the storm.

Energy efficient design-If you’ve ever spent any time at an RV park or tailgating at a Razorbacks game, you’re familiar with the sound and smell of noisy gas or diesel-powered portable generators. But Kohler generators are powered by clean-burning propane or natural gas, and operate quietly, with maximum fuel efficiency.

Reliable performance-Kohler has been the most trusted name in generators since 1920, and its service record is second to none. Generators are a bit different from cars or household appliances, because they don’t run every day. But as long as you perform routine maintenance and testing in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, your generator will always be ready when you need it!

Kohler has a full line of generators to fit any budget, and our team is ready to show you how affordable that true peace of mind can be! If you have any questions, contact us online, or give us a call at 501-375-8330.

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