These three easy energy efficiency tips will help you save money this winter!
2025 has already gotten off to a wintry start, and parts of central Arkansas were recently blanketed with nearly a foot of snow! Our children love snow days, and there’s nothing like watching them play outside as we enjoy a few unplanned days off from work. But this is also the time of year when our home heating costs predictably skyrocket, and it’s difficult to relax when we know our utility providers have the freedom to raise our rates as they see fit! The only way to fight back is to reduce our energy consumption, and that’s where our team at Gary Houston Electric comes in!
We’ve proudly offered trusted residential electrical service in Little Rock since 1978, and we offer 24-hour emergency service when disaster strikes. We also offer in-home energy audits if you’ve recently encountered an unexpected increase in your utility bills. The only surefire way to lower your bulls is to reduce your household energy consumption, but “tightening your belt” is easier than you think. Here are three easy ways to lower your bills without sacrificing your family’s comfort:
Use a programmable thermostat-Using a programmable thermostat can save you up to 10% on your utility bills, and you can also now choose next-generation smart thermostats with Bluetooth connectivity. You’ll be able to review your energy usage and program your thermostat using your smartphone, and some models can also learn your family’s routines and automatically make energy-saving adjustments!
Flip Your Ceiling Fans-Heat rises, so be sure your ceiling fans are set to spin clockwise during the winter to direct warm air that gathers near the ceilings downward into the room. And don’t forget to open the curtains on your south-facing windows to let in the sunlight during the daytime!
Seal up drafts around windows and doors-Even the smallest drafts force your home comfort systems to run much longer, and an inexpensive roll of adhesive weatherstripping can make a significant impact on your energy bills. The IRS also offers tax credits for qualified energy-efficient improvements made to your home before 2032, so keep that in mind as you budget for future home upgrades!
To learn more or schedule an energy efficiency audit, contact us online or at 501-375-8330. Be sure to also ask us for a free, no-obligation estimate for a KOHLER emergency backup generator!