ghec blog

Inflation rates haven’t been this high in decades, and the spending power of a dollar certainly isn’t what it used to be! Whether we’re buying groceries, household goods, or gasoline, there seems to be no end in sight to these higher prices. Utility providers also operate monopolies with the authority to increase rates as they see fit. The only option homeowners have to lower their bills is reducing their energy consumption, but that’s often easier said than done. The good news is that our team at Gary Houston Electric is always a phone call away, and we love helping our customers save money!

We’ve been offering trusted residential electrical service in Little Rock since 1978, and we’re always a phone call away when you’d like to schedule an in-home energy audit. Our professional electricians will look for ways to help you and your family “tighten your belts” without sacrificing your comfort, and we’ll also inspect your home wiring and replace any outdated electrical outlets. Here are a few easy ways to lower your bills right away:

Install a programmable thermostat-Programmable thermostats have been around for decades, and newer models even include Bluetooth connectivity! You can now use a convenient smartphone app to monitor your family’s energy usage, and you’ll be able to make changes on the fly wherever you are!

Seal up drafts- Upgrading your windows or adding storm windows can lead to big energy savings, and the IRS currently offers tax credits for qualified energy-efficient improvements made to your home before 2032. Weatherstripping is also a highly affordable temporary remedy for drafty windows that only takes a few minutes to install.

Replace old appliances before they break down-Be sure to review the manufacturer’s recommended replacement recommendations each time you purchase a new HVAC unit or hot water heater. Many appliances continue functioning long beyond their anticipated operational lifetime, but their performance and energy efficiency will predictably decline after a decade or more of steady usage. You’ll never know exactly when an appliance will break down, but it’s a good bet that it will happen at a highly inconvenient time! Replacing them now spares you future hassles and enables you to take advantage of the improved energy efficiency of newer models.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule service, contact us online or at 501-375-8330.

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