Gary Houston Electric Company

Three electrical safety tips for an older home

When it comes to homes, they just don’t make em’ like they used to! In today’s world of urban sprawl and cookie cutter tract homes in suburban subdivisions, there’s nothing quite like keeping history alive by living in an older home. Unfortunately, the great craftsmanship of the past didn’t always meet the most rigorous safety standards, and living in an older home can often be a seemingly endless series of repairs and upgrades to keep you and your family safe.

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Kohler Generators are a great way to enjoy true peace of mind, no matter what Mother Nature has in store for us!

There are certain times of year when we simply expect the occasional power outage. Our utility companies do great work, and when there’s an emergency, they act as quickly as they can. Unfortunately, that only gets you so far. Some people rely on a constant supply of electricity to power life-saving medical equipment, and all of us have grown so accustomed to using our electronics and household appliances that doing without them for even a few hours is difficult. Not to mention the fact that when there is a storm, it’s important to be able to access television and the internet to monitor weather updates.

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