ghec blog

Modern lighting has come a long way from one light over the kitchen table and a lamp by the recliner in the living room. Today’s families want to be able to entertain guests and enjoy a relaxing escape from the outside world. Here are some tips and a few mistakes to avoid when you improve your home lighting.

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Gary Houston Electric is proud to announce we have become an authorized Kohler generator dealer. This move exemplifies our continued efforts to provide our customers with the best emergency response strategy from any electricians in Little Rock, Arkansas. Check out why Kohler power from Gary Houston Electric could be an advantage for your business.

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There’s a prominent display right now in your neighborhood of electricity’s power and the advances in technology it has inspired. It’s back to school time and yesterday’s #2 pencil has given way to this generation’s tablets and smart phones. As the demand for energy increases, the future of electricity becomes more entwined with the prospects of our own. Here are some factors that will affect the generations to come.

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Hot summers bring an onslaught of recommendations on ways to reduce your electric bill. But a lot of these tips are expensive, labor intensive or just don’t have any real world practical applications. Here is the real deal from the best electrical contractors in Arkansas on a strategy to save your money this summer.

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When the sun goes down, do you have to move the party inside? You’re missing out on one of the most enjoyable features of your home if your patio lighting is a lonely porch lamp or security light. After hours is a great time to enjoy the outdoors during hot summers in Arkansas. Here are some tips to make sure your patio is as safe as it is stylish.

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Homeowners are inundated with the dangers of space heaters and tales of fiery Christmas light disasters. But when winter passes and the air conditioners come on, you need to be aware that summer presents its own electrical safety concerns. Here are some tips to keep your family safe and enjoy all the fun that summer offers.

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There aren’t a lot of resources for business owners to stay current on the latest energy trends – no DIY channel for office managers or clues as to which “best practices” on government websites really earn their name. Here are some recommendations from the most trusted commercial electrical contractors in Little Rock that could improve your business’s balance sheet and carbon footprint.

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When working to ensure the safety and functionality of your home or business, the best defense is often a good offense. But the unexpected strikes even those who’ve been diligent about preventative measures. To be truly prepared for your next electrical emergency, it’s wise to have the number of a good emergency electrical service. Here are some reasons home and business owners alike keep Gary Houston’s number on speed dial:

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DIY channels and magazines extol the virtue of the perfect lighting for your home. But smart business owners know they can benefit from the same techniques used in residential lighting. There are special considerations to be made for commercial lighting though, and they are best left to professionals. When you’re ready to revamp the functionality or atmosphere of your work space, call Gary Houston Electric for the best service and value in central Arkansas. Here’s why:

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The quality of your electrical system directly impacts the value, comfort, and safety of your home. It’s important to be able to trust it because of all the time you spend inside your home and even more important for those times you are away. Here are some tips you can use as a homeowner to improve your residential wiring and avoid costly and dangerous mishaps.

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from our blog

Thursday, February 27, 2025

We’ve already experienced two rounds of snowfall in 2025, and it won’t be long before we’re forced to deal with another springtime tornado season! Every Arkansan considers inclement weather his or...

Friday, February 14, 2025

Whether you built your home from the ground up or found the perfect “new to you” home after a lengthy search, you owe it to yourself and your family to ensure it’s both functional and safe. Older ...

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Owning and operating a small business is all about finding ways to do more with less, and money will never be more important than creativity when it comes to maximizing the customer service experi...

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

2025 has already gotten off to a wintry start, and parts of central Arkansas were recently blanketed with nearly a foot of snow! Our children love snow days, and there’s nothing like watching them...

Monday, December 30, 2024

We all remember how challenging it was to find the right home, but nothing’s too good for our families! We all started out with plenty of “must haves” for our ideal home, but the reality is that w...